Thursday, August 4, 2011

Redbox Characters

Redbox Browser”   This is that person that has been looking over the same movies for 10 minutes while you wait furiously behind them.  They know that you’re standing right behind them in 90° heat, rain, snow, or freezing weather. However, they are not considerate enough to kindly choose their movie and keep the line moving. You would like to think that everyone has access to the internet and they should try to reserve your movies online.  Really?! You have to have some idea of which type of flick you’d like to see before you pull up to the Redbox! Even if they don’t have access to the internet, Redbox has both Android & Iphone applications, so download, and use it.

The Entourage”   This is the small crowd that has gathered around the kiosk, it normally around 5-6 people and they are all trying to get their own movie or worse decide on one movie, in turn, becoming “The Browsing Entourage”!  Sometimes there are several credit cards involved or even small arguments erupt over who is getting what movie and if they can swap them after they’re finished! Again, “Entourage”, utilize your internet and cell phone apps - someone has to have it available.  Finally, do all your swapping once you get back to your cars, bikes, walking path, or just all of you go on back home & watch it together. You know you all live in the same place!

“The Jerk” This is that person browsing through movies at 8:55 PM.  There is normally a line of anxious people behind him either breathing hard out of frustration or even cursing trying to get to the kiosk to return their movie before 9PM.  If you are  “The Jerk”, please  be  considerate of the people that are waiting behind you trying to return movies.  Maybe one of these people behind you are trying to return a movie that you are either looking for or may be interested in. Or that can kick your ass!

The Shadower”    This is the hot breath that you feel on your neck while you’re looking for a movie.  They are often also known to be that low voice behind you commenting on the movie or even giving away the ending.  You try to turn around or clinch your purse to give them the “you’re too close” alert, but they continue to stand over your shoulder browsing right along with you.  You may start to get a movie but as you’re choosing they will offer their review of the movie or even just straight out tell you “don’t get that movie the main character dies at the end.” A few suggestions for dealing with this individual; ask him/her to politely back off, or if you aren’t in a rush, then just go ahead & tell them “hey go ahead, you go, while I stand here behind you showing you how irritating you just were to me!”

If you happen to see one of these individuals’ at your Redbox, do not stop, do not park, pull out! Just go on down another block or two, to your next 7-11 or whichever store you frequent to hit up the Redbox! When you get to the Redbox spot, make sure you peep the scene, check out all surroundings, and know your environment in general. Most importantly, stay as safe as possible. Use common sense;  and ladies if your alone, don’t go out to turn in your movie  at  9 PM, if your Redbox is on the street where all the prostitutes walk at night!! Try and reserve your selection before hand, and be courteous so you don’t become one of these Redbox scoundrels! Happy renting! 

Monday, August 1, 2011


The trending topic on Twitter today was #DearYoungSelf. I tweeted a few things, but I have to say my favorite was, “#DearYoungSelf listen to your mom; she’s really not that evil.”  Even though the tweets are all fun and games, I have to say that this one tweet is genuine.  As an adult now, it’s crazy to think how much time as a child I spent hating my mom.  Really, what was that all for?  So, she raised me to be a decent adult, a mother, and a wife.  Yes, I tested my mom, rebelled a few… ok several times; just typical teenage stuff, that may have required some consequences! I had curfew, my mom was careful who I hung out with, and she questioned my decisions which made me really think out all of my choices. At the time she may have seemed horrible and annoying, but it saved me from a lot of extra grief and going down a lot of wrong paths.
With Facebook and Twitter, it allows me to stay in contact with a lot of my old friends (whether I want to or not) and I look at the ones my mom didn’t like me to hang out with and I’m so happy for that because a lot of them are not doing so well for themselves now.

I am a mother now of a teenager and I’m sure there are times he hates me and with those times I hate that he hates me. It’s like I am in this weird gray area where I don’t want him to be angry with me, but I have to also lay down the law, per say. Consequently, to him, I do seem, “mean”, as my mom seemed to me.  At that time, I have to let go of trying to be the cool mom and being the MOM. With that, I have to accept that this is really for the best.

Finally, a day will come when he’s 30, he will see some silly trending topic on Twitter or whatever is out, there he’ll realize that I did all that for him and indeed, I’m not the evil bitch that we all called our Mom.

“If they hate you then that means your doing the right thing”   D. Nichols

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

True Blood

Today I got caught up on True Blood, well between you and I actually watched it at work on Monday, but I watched it with my husband today and its funny because he always says when he was younger he wanted to be a vampire.  So a lot of times when they get into their real heavy sex scenes I always have to wonder “what if Rusty was a Vampire?”  hehehe   Can we so no more “Parent Sex”  lol   you know those quickies while the kids are down stairs or sleep?  And honestly even if it was it was Vampire quickie sex, it would still be awesome!!  Lol  

But that was totally off the subject that I was going for.  I am a big True Blood fan but they have gone so far out there.   I mean witches now?  Ugh, and Sookie and Bill is not together anymore?  I was fine with Sookie being a fairy, until like a couple weeks when they showed us the other “ugly” fairies?  Is that what Sookie really looks like?  Gross.  I also was cool with Alcide and him being a werewolf and maybe even Crystal and her being a panther, and even Maryann and whatever she was,  but the witches is where I’m going to have to draw the line.  I’m thinking if this season doesn’t get any better I may go to the books.   A lot of people that have read the books said you can’t do both, watch the show and read the book, but I need something the show is losing my attention.  Ok I’m lying I saw that Godric is supposed to be in next week episode.  (excited)  I felt like he should have had a bigger part in the show anyway.  He came in one season and like died before I even knew it. I was in tears like,” Why Godric!?  WHY?!”  But it’s going to be cool to see him this week.  

But I may still read the books. What you think?


Hey my name is Tiffene,  just to get through a quick introduction, this is my 3rd blog, I’m a wife, a mother and to be honest I just needed something else to do.

I decided to start another blog because I felt like I had more things to say, but I felt committed to the write about “being a mom” or “having a diabetic child   But since those blogs I have realized that I am just not just those things.  I’m so much more then “Drew’s mom” or “that bitch that won’t fix my claim” or anything else you may think I am.    
So this is just me being me and that other stuff.   J